Computer Keyboard | Part 1 – Modelling & Texturing

Want to learn how to create a 3D CGI model from scratch? This class, recorded LIVE, is for you!

Join expert retoucher and CGI artist Corey Rive ( as he introduces you to amazing FREE software Blender and guides you through the modelling and texturing process in real time.

You’ll experience Corey's workflow firsthand as he meticulously crafts and textures a stunning 3D model of a keyboard.

As you follow along, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you can turn a blank screen into a photorealistic image of this complex product.

By watching his process in real time, you’ll gain a rare understanding of how professional CGI artists solve problems and overcome unexpected challenges as they work.

In this class:

  • Creating a 3D model in Blender
  • Modelling a product in CGI
  • CGI project workflow
  • Adding texture to a model

Don’t miss part two of this workshop series, CGI: Getting the Shot and Adding Animation, scheduled for 20th July 2023. In that followup show, Corey will show you how to add animated elements to create a truly captivating piece of digital art!

If you enjoy this class, try Getting Started With Modelling.

Questions? Please post them in the comments section below.


  1. Hi There,
    Thank you for the amazing content, I am here for a month and I learned a lot.
    The only thing I would say is that it would very helpful for the tutorials if you had shared the reference images, in the case of this keybord for example, it is something for you to think for future classes, it is a bit disapointing when we don’t have references, I did not follow the turorial because of it.
    Anyways, I am very grateful for all I learned here, I absolutely love your work Karl, since the very first tutorials of yours I saw on youtube few years ago, you are a absolutely star, I know you already know that, but I would like to say it to you anyway!
    Thank you so much!!

    1. Hi, thank you for your feedback. We want to take on board any suggestions from our audience but I’m not completely familiar with this class as it was taught by Corey, could you explain what you mean by reference images and at what time in the video you refer to and then we will see if we can make those changes. Thank you.

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