Photography Studio Backdrops: How Colorama Rolls Work

If you have a photography studio then you will find this video review of Colorama’s “Rolleasy” background system very useful.Here Karl shows you how they work and how they are bracketed to our studio wall. This is definitely an improvement on our previous crank and chain system!


  1. Dear Karl,
    I’d love to know what do you think about white vinyl backdrops rolls. I have recently opened up my studio space (small-medium sized space), but since I’m a rental I cannot build an infinity curve so seamless backdrops are my go to solution. I have found out white is the most versatile and for this reason it happens to be the one I use the most. Even if I take much care of it when you do full figure shots the backdrops gets soiled after some time and it needs to be cut-off and, sooner or later, replaced.
    My idea is to substitute vinyl for paper, it’s a more durable solution, it’s washable and you will maybe replace it after a very long time. Since I have never used them I’d like to know if you did and you know how they respond to studio strobes in terms of bouncing, glaring etc.

    1. Hi, yes I used to use white vinyl backgrounds and it’s true you can clean them but they are more expensive than paper and more time consuming to clean so you have to weigh up over time the costs and the effort as to whether paper is better.


    I cannot find very reflectives gold and white cards at my local diy store, I check the reflectivity with my iphone light but it barely work, where can I buy the different reflective materials that you have for product photography?

    1. Hi, we use Dulux floor shield as the base coat and then on top of that once a month Dulux Vinyl Matt pure brilliant white (wall paint)

  3. Hi Karl just joined you this month.
    I do a little welding so those brackets are pretty simple to build for me.

    Just would like to know what type or paint you used on your studio floors.
    Also I can’t seem to find the Colorama backgrounds, here in the US.

    My studio will be about 18 feet wide & 40 feet long when completed, plus an additional 8 feet on each side of studio for editing area, office and storage, total of 34 wide by 40 feet long.

    Thanks for all the great information, on how to run my photography businesses.

    Oh if your ever in Vegas please be sure to look me up, I live 50 west of Vegas, in Pahrump, nice quite little town.

    Thanks Rich

    1. Hi Jeff, they have their place from a convenience point of view but i’d much rather use a flat painted wall as it’s easier to light and without ripples that you can often get in paper.

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