Flying Tea Food Shoot

Elevate your food photography with this deliciously creative class.

In this food photography class, you’ll learn how to create an eye-catching flying tea image. All it takes is a dash of knowledge, a pinch of ingenuity, and a healthy serving of creativity – plus two experienced professional instructors in the form of Karl Taylor and Anna Pustynnikova!

As Karl and Anna guide you through each stage of the planning, preparation and lighting, you’ll learn how to create your own version of this explosive and exciting photograph. You’ll learn about problem solving and creative thinking, how to control lighting and why fast flash duration is crucial when photographing flying objects.

In this class:

  • How to photograph flying food shots
  • How to use pre-visualisation as part of your planning
  • Lighting setups for food photography
  • How to suspend items for photography
  • How to freeze motion using flash

To watch the retouching and editing process that followed the shoot, check out  Flying Tea Post-Production.

Questions? Please post them in the comments section below.

Food photography setup and preparation

Photography often requires creativity and problem solving to realise your creative ideas.

Anna and Karl wanted to create an image of a cup with rose bud tea and sugar cubes exploding out of it and a floating milk jug above, pouring milk. Guided by Karl’s pre-visualisation, the pair were able to identify a number of challenges that they’d have to overcome to get the final result. These included:

  • Create a realistic explosion of rose bud tea
  • Include sugar cubes to add depth to explosion
  • Create floating milk jug with pouring milk
  • A lighting setup suitable for the cup, milk jug and exploding objects
Flying food shoot

Freezing the fast moving rosebud tea was just one of the challenges Karl and Anna had to overcome.

Together, through a combination of DIY, acrylic rods and fast flash duration, they overcame each of these problems. The setup, although it looks complicated, required only four lights with simple modifiers.

In the end, this shoot proved that it is possible to bring any creative idea to life — all you need is careful planning and the right knowledge.

Flying tea photograph

The final flying tea image.


  1. Hi Karl, i wanted to get lee diffuser but sadly it not available in my region, and most of online store don’t ship to my country(algeria). So any good replacement for it.

  2. Hi Karl,
    Can i learn the size of the diy diffuser panel (frame of the diffuser as Lee 216), thank you

  3. I really enjoyed watching this class it was a very helpful from the scratch until the final, well done Karl Taylor you are a master.

    – Just a small question, why you do not use the speed shooting instead of taking only one shot while the roses flying?

    1. Hi and thank you for your kind comments. The camera that I was using here is a medium format and it is only capable of shooting 1 frame every second so it would not be an option. If I was using a Sony, Nikon or Canon 35mm camera then yes that could have been an option.

    1. Hi, I think we used cream rather than milk for this shot but you can use anything you like, even paint with more or less water.

  4. Such a fantastic tutorial! I have 2 questions:

    1. At the end you cleared everything away and took a background shot. Can the background shot instead be taken in the beginning once the lighting is set before adding the acrylic rods to the set?

    2. You changed the strobes flash duration & power near the end of the shoot to freeze the motion of the flying dried roses. Can this faster flash duration & lower power be used for the entire shoot for every component of the shoot instead of just for freezing the flying roses? My equipment is not as sophisticated as Broncolor and I would have a hard time dialing in and matching exposure of the previous components – I’m trying to think through if I could just lock down fast flash duration & lower power for the entire shoot, even for the static shots.

  5. NasserAlsameen

    A wonderful tutorial
    Great idea of sticking items with acrylic bars much better than taking multiple shots and merge them in Photoshop
    Thanks million Karl

  6. Hey Karl, awesome stuff! Can i ask what thickness mdf panel you’re using? Seems like a much better alternative to paper, unless you think paper would work just as good?

    1. Hi and thank you. The MDF for the base is about 1cm, the one on the background might even be a sheet of hardboard which is like MDF but only about 3mm and it bends, it’s cheaper and flat on one side and rough on the other but the flat side is good for painting as a background. They are also good for using as a curved background because they bend. I think we show more of them in our backgrounds section.

  7. Hi Karl,

    You and your team are amazing! This is by far the best investment I have made regarding photography.

    I finished my college degree in photography, just as digital cameras were coming out . So everything I learned had to do with film cameras. Your training is helping me immensely.

    I am on a limited budget. Do you have any experience with the Westcott FJ lights? They are in my price range and offer high-speed sync as well as battery power.


    1. Hi Gary, thanks for your comments. I’m afraid I don’t know those lights, in my career I’ve used Elinchrom, Profoto, Broncolor and occasionally Godox. Cheers Karl.

  8. Enjoying the flying food talk especially as I’m shooting flying crumbs tomorrow! Thank you- very handy.

      1. Hi Karl
        In my case it is crumbed chicken flying. Would you ever consider using wire to suspend the chicken crumbs rather than trying to catch the flying bits?

        1. Hi Elizabeth, it sounds as if chicken crumbs would be a bit too small to use the technique of suspending them. I would probably throw/drop them in several shots and combine the best of each shot in layers afterwards.

          1. If you don’t have access to bron would you use speedlights. Godox Ad200

          2. Hi Elizabeth, it would depend solely on the speed of action and the speed of the studio lights you have. They may be adequate but if not then yes Speedlites can deliver very fast durations (at low powers) but you will need to modify the light for it to look more pleasing.

  9. Karl, this was a very complex setup. I really appreciated the step-by-step approach and realized how much care for details you put in your shots! A great lesson and looking forward for the post-process part.

  10. Hi Karl

    the T shaped acrylic rod you had made. what are the dimensions (the length total, the top piece width… looks like 1.5 inches wide for the top and and also for the bottom part?) also, what thickness of acrylic was used? I am hoping Santa will bring me one this year

    Thank you

    1. Hi Jacqueline, 5mm thick acrylic, 40mm wide and and the strengthening vertical part is about 30mm high glued onto the 40mm wide part. 90cm long in total to give room to grip one end.

      1. Thank you. should one also invest in just flat (not t shaped) acrylic bars as well? if so, size?

        I was also wondering, why you were using what appears to be a wooden dowel like for the flowers that will be floating and not clear acrylic?

        what size acrylic rods/bars should one consider purchasing for their studio


        1. Hi, I don’t remember any wooden dowels? At what time did you see those? I have various acrylic rods rectangle about 5mm x 6mm by 90cm and some round rods about 5mm diameter up to 15mm diameter again between 50cm and 100cm.

          1. Hi Karl,

            if you check at the 20:27 minute mark… to me, it looks like wooden skewers?

          2. Hi Jacqueline, it looks like Anna held a flower bud on a skewer just for me to check the light, as you will see from the video after that point the tea was exploded in the air it wasn’t held on anything, only the sugar cubes were held on the grip rods from the C-stands.

          3. AHhhh ok. thank you for clarifying 😉

            I am in the midst of pricing how much it would cost for one of the large T shaped brackets… pricey little buggers aren’t they! 🙂

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