Introduction and Equipment Overview

This class provides an overview of the upcoming courses, the techniques that will be covered and the equipment that will be used.

You’ll discover how to achieve the professional results you see on television, in music videos, corporate videos, stock footage and the internet, and find out how you can create great footage on a relatively low budget (compared to the equipment that Hollywood studios would use). In this video Karl takes a look at some of the equipment used throughout the course, including basic rigs, jibs, tripods, light panels, as well as camera bodies and lenses.

In this class:

  • DSLR Movie Making tips and techniques
  • Movie making equipment
  • Equipment for budget filmmaking


    1. Hi, yes we have already. This video is from 12 years ago but we have new ones in our film making section. Please let us know if you have any questions.

  1. hi, i’m looking to learn commercial and product videography beside my photography course in here, and i’m wondering if you have any courses for that? if not, where can I learn it online? there are many sites but i’m looking for online school just as great as Karl Taylor photography school….which online school do you recommend to me?


  2. I’m not sure how old this video is but judging by that a Canon 5D Mark 2 was used, it was some time ago. I was curious why Gimbal wasn’t used as there were parts that appeared jerky. Also if this was remade in 2020, would use any different equipment, like a drone for the high shots?

    1. Hi Louie, yes I think this one was from about 10 years ago. We’ve moved on a lot since then as you will see in our recent videos. Yes we use drones now too.

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