Photographing Creative Water Sculptures

We made a splash in this live show as Karl demonstrates how to create art with water and a simple object.

Photographing a white-on-white image, Karl explains the technique for photographing water on a white background, and how you can enhance shape and form in the liquid. He also covers concepts like fast flash duration, what it means, and what speeds you need to freeze liquid shots like this. Additionally, Karl explains the lighting setup he used to create the white background and light the water.

To end the show, Karl demonstrates the retouching process and techniques to comp together the final image.

This information-packed show provides a simple three-light setup that you can easily replicate in your own studio, no matter the size, and will allow you to test new techniques, get creative, and add some eye-catching images to your portfolio.

Topics covered in this show include:

  • How to photograph liquid splashes
  • How to create white backgrounds for photography
  • Photographing water on a white background
  • Using fast flash duration to freeze movement
  • Retouching splash images in Photoshop

Additional classes mentioned during this show include:

Questions? Please post them in the comments section below.


  1. Karl, at 1:40:55 you mention a workshop on the science behind the visual process you used to do. I just typed in some keywords on your website, wondering if this information has found its way into a non-workshop format by now, but it doesn’t seem like that’s the case?!
    Am I overseeing a video that goes into this topic very deeply, or is that still something you keep for workshops?

    1. Hi, this was a 4 day workshop that I ran with photographer Tim Flach who also studies the science of visual perception. We are not currently running the workshop due to our busy schedules but we hope to run it again in the future.

      1. Stephan Jarvis

        Hi Karl. Do you have any plans to make this workshop available on this platform in some shape or form? I’d love to hear more on this topic, but as I’m based in Japan, it’s unlikely I’ll be able to make it to a live workshop.

        1. Hi Stephan, I don’t understand? This class is available on this platform you just need to login to watch it, all of our live workshops are recorded and available on replay in our live workshops replays section.

          1. Stephan Jarvis

            Sorry, I was referring to the Tim Flach workshop mentioned in the post above.

    1. Hi, there is no burst mode on medium format cameras, the best you can get out of them would be about one frame per second so I have to time it by eye. If you were using something like a Sony A1 and you had very fast flash recharge times then yes burst mode could work well.

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