Photo Critique: Animals, Landscapes and Portraits

For this, our first mega member’s photo critique, Karl viewed more than 250 of our members’ pictures, giving feedback on each and every one.

During this marathon show, Karl explored the visual and emotive response to an image, explained the importance of a clear narrative and showed the powerful influence of composition, color and light.

Offering his thoughts on each image, Karl also shared possible improvements that could be made to an image and demonstrated a number of useful post-production techniques that could be used to enhance a picture.

If you enjoy this, check out Photo Critique: Products 1.

Questions? Please post them in the comments section below.


  1. Hi Karl, I am brand new to your Visual Education website. I fully enjoy this kind of instruction. One learns a lot listening to your critiques. You asked if we could comment on your methods of critiques in regards to being to harsh etc. I feel if it was me (which it will be one day) I would prefer an honest opened critique rather than a flattering wishy washy critique. After all it is the only way to learn by ones own mistakes. I don’t feel you are harsh at all. I find you patient, kind and respectful in your response to students works and at times you do make me smile in response to your witty reactions. So yes, please continue these videos it is most helpful. I have leant much and I have not even dived into a course yet. ~ Respectfully

    1. Thank you very much for your feedback and I’m glad that you find the style of critiques appropriate. I look forward to you enjoying more of our classes and also seeing your work in a future critique show. All the best Karl.

  2. David Morgan’s picture used a technique called Tree Panning. It’s a good bread and butter type picture.

  3. Hi Karl. This is the fantastic, really enjoyed hearing your thoughts on all the pics, just sorry I missed out sending in a picture for a critique. I’ll keep an eye out for next time.

    Only thing for me was I was having problems streaming the video from your website, the picture kept freezing and had to click and move it on and am sure I missed a lot in doing so. I’d might see if there is a way to download the whole thing to watch again without streaming.

    Again, great job Karl, well worth the £12.00 this month!!!!!!

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