Mini Home Studio (Part 2)

Karl loves his broncolor studio lights however often we receive emails and comments saying that the amazing results are only great because of the high end studio equipment used. Let’s see what he can do with just four table top desk lamps instead!


  1. Hello Karl,

    Great information! I have a question. I have a Neewer Photo Studio Light Box. Can I use a light box for shots like this? Adding the background effect of course etc. Thank you

    1. I should clarify my question. I am photographing felt hats for our business and only have a Photo Studio Light Box. I don’t have all the other equipment to use at this time. I find felt is very hard to capture. I am presently looking through your classes to see if there is anything that can help in that area. There are so many great instructions. Any suggestions in photographing felts hats with a light box or other suggestions would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you Karl 🙂

  2. DavidMorgan

    This is timeless, a great illustration of how to use ‘available’ light in the sense of there being no need to shell out thousands for good still-life images. Thank for the inspiration as I embark on a bit of homemade studio set up, in quite a cramped space.

    1. Cheers Dave, you will of course see me using fancy lighting on this platform but you can obviously interpret that with other less expensive lighting.


    Thanks for this video Karl, it shows me how a few simple innovations can put a new area of photography within easy reach for an amateur like myself.
    I’m really loving your course, the value is unbelievable!

  4. Haha, is this one done to shut up some people who always say ‘oh you’ve got expensive gear so you get good pictures’? XD. Nice video! I am a new subscriber, your site is a huge treasure, Thank you so much for affordable membership and sharing us your knowledge.

  5. Hi Karl,

    If I’m using a speedlite for this setup, do you recommend also using a stripbox in addition to a scrim?

    Also, I’m curious if I can use just 1 light and comp shots together in Photoshop, or if this will lead to problems and/or an ineffective workflow?

    Thanks, David

    1. Hi David, A stripbox in addition to the scrim will help on the bottle (see previous Live Whisky Shoot). Using only one light would be a problem as you are dealing with gradient lighting in each direction and blending gradients is difficult.

  6. I will be doing a bottle shot soon. What I love about this education, is that it gets you thinking. I like how the label was displayed with the desk light and snoot. It solves a problem but in a live show that a pico light was used, I loved that look. So I’m thinking that a small piece of diffusion paper in front of the snoot might work for diffusion the focus . Like the control of shadow and gradient fall off of light in the Light Source modules. I’m sure it would take some experimenting with the positioning but I’m thinking it might work.

  7. Wow! I’ll be making me some scrims and looking for lights at the used stores. I have a Sony A6000, a cheap flash and Lightroom and Photoshop. That can get me a long way. Great lesson.

    1. Karl, love this video. Hey man Is there a way to find all your videos in 1 place.? I missed this an been watching your videos for a while. I basically did a search on miops and this came up below and it interested me.

      I just want to make sure I am seeing all your work. Really liked this video and sure there is probably more videos that I have not watched.

      Thanks again,
      Jared from USA

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