Introduction: Keeping the Focus on Your Model
Master the essentials of natural-light portraiture on location.
This natural light photography course will help you master a number of different techniques when using just natural light and your camera. This section covers photographing single subjects, couples, families, children and group shots and will help you understand how to find the right location, know when the ideal time for photography is and identify the best light for photographing.
This photography class is an outdoor portrait in a stunning location, but beautiful locations can sometimes be tricky. They can be quite busy, which can make it difficult to keep the focus on your model.
In this photography class, Karl explains the basics of photographing with natural light before going into detail about how to isolate a model in a busy setting such as this. He also points out the best light to photograph in and explains why before showing you exactly how to make the most of available light by carefully positioning your model and waiting for the perfect moment.
In this class:
- Portrait photography using natural light
- How to use natural light for outdoor portraits
- Camera settings for outdoor portraits using natural light
- How to pose your model
- Creative composition for outdoor portraiture
Questions? Please post them in the comments section below.
I’m wondering how you got the blur of the sun rays in the image with the blue bells?
Hi Miriam, at what time in the video please and I’ll check what you mean and come back to you.
Just signed up and looking forward to improving my portrait photography, but I have a request. I’d really like to see some lessons on one-light (strobe or off camera flash) with outdoor portraits. Using ND filters vs HSS for outdoor portraits would be a good way to cover it.