Shiny Chrome Kettle | Post-Production
When you do a lot of work in-camera it’s amazing to see how little Photoshop is needed on products like these. Find out exactly what is needed to be done to remove the reflection from the camera and get a perfect shiny finish.
Did you use two blackboards on each side to absorb some of the light?
I have to shoot a shiny red painted fire extinguisher. I watched this video and it will be very helpful when I shoot the chrome fire extinguishers, but I wonder if the white plexiglass will cause the red one to appear faded red in color. I will experiment using some flags outside the plexi to see what that would look like. Any other tips for shooting an object like this?
Hi, Paige you’re thinking along the right lines, adding black ‘stripes’ inside the plexiglass could give you the ‘gloss’ look you need. The red shouldn’t fade out unless you overexpose the shot.