Contoured Single Soft-Light Portrait

Small adjustments, big changes – give this simple setup a try.

For this portrait photography class, Karl and Urs use a simple lighting modifier in an unusual position to create a beautiful, contoured soft light.

Working in a small, confined space, they show how this single-light setup is ideal for those working in a small studio, but, with minor adjustments, you can greatly change the outcome.

During this tutorial, Urs talks you through his lighting setup, power settings and the reflectors he uses, explaining the impact of each.

In this class:

  • Creative portrait photography using a single light
  • How to create soft, contoured light
  • Photographing in small studio space
  • How to use reflectors
  • How to convey emotion in an image

Questions? Please post them in the comments section below.


  1. Hi Karl,
    I love the lighting on the model, but this is where I get confused. The position of the Softbox pointing upwards (example horror lighting)would normally be suggested as a No No in portraiture, but the results prove in this case it just isn’t so. I would have also expected a brighter lower body than face with this set-up, but again not so?
    Is it simply because its a Softbox rather than a more directional light, as the light is coming from all directions? It still doesn’t explain that the box is closer to the models lower area than her face.
    I look forward to your reply.

    1. Hi, thank you and yes on first consideration that might be how it seems but if you look at the result you’ll see the model mostly has her head tilted so it is parallel to the softbox, so effectively it is ‘side on’. Also the softbox is very big and very close meaning that a large part of it is actually above her head, in fact her head is pretty central so it is above and below her head and the concept of the shot is more about the pose that the position provides. The exposure would only be brighter for any part of the body that is closer to the light source, in this case the knees and shins but these are in a darker material so that has balanced the exposure out. Hopefully that explains it but let me know if you have any further questions.

  2. Hi Karl,

    What are your thoughts on using this kind of a light setup on a model with black hair and darker skin tone?


    1. Hi, there is no reason why it wouldn’t work, only the exposure would need to increase slightly and depending on how glossy the hair is will dictate the rim lighting.

  3. Hi Karl, Just got done watching your class on One Light Setup. The class was Fantastic! In it you use a 120X180 soft box with a roof above. I have a question . I have three choices to use . I have a 65 in deep silver umbrella with a diffusion sock, a 31x47in soft box or, a 44×44 in diffusion scrim . I have a 400 watt light that I will be using. Any thought’s.
    I also love the fact that you are showing that you can do the shots in a small studio . My space is 14 ft x 13 ft with a 10 ft celling.

    1. Hi Greg, to replicate this shot then your 31×47 softbox as close as possible to your subject is probably your best bet.

  4. Thank you for the detailed series of creative examples of how to create a photograph with one light. I was especially impressed by the last two using the 120×180 soft box. Awesome

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