Working to a Brief: Assignment 2 LAUNCH

In this live show, Karl launches our second Working to a Brief assignment: a wine bottle shoot.

He explains the visual sketch as well as the reference mood board images, outlining what is expected in the final image. He also shares some useful tips and pointers that will help you achieve the correct result.

This challenge has been specifically designed to be achievable for everyone. It can be achieved using studio lights, speedlights or even natural light, as Karl will demonstrate in the follow-up review live show on 23rd July.

To view the full brief, click here. You can also watch the follow-up review here.

For those who are new to product photography, be sure to take a look at our product photography classes.


  1. Karl, I wouldn’t worry about prizes. We are here to learn and get a successful judgement which helps us gain confidence toward becoming a product photographer.

  2. Karl Salut.
    J’ai rarement eu d’instructeur aussi polyvalent et talentueux avec cette capacité exceptionnelle de transmettre son savoir-faire ;j’aimerais vraiment atteindre ton niveau et pourquoi pas me positionner comme la référence dans mon pays ;c’est pour cette raison je m’applique à me dépasser .Je suis vraiment satisfait de mon investissement et c’est avec plaisir que je vous donnerai un témoignage. Merci pour tout.

  3. tommy

    Now i sent my attempt on this brief. Its my first time ever for doing a productshot, so i hope i win the prize of avoiding a Karl-trashing 😂

  4. Hi Karl,
    do color of cap strictly be red or any other colors are ok? cause it not simple to find exactly the same bottle.


    1. Author

      Hi Carlo. It would be preferable if the bottle cap was red. It can be any bottle of wine, not necessarily the same bottle, but as long as it has a red cap. I hope that helps 🙂

  5. I notice you didn’t sit on the saddle, Karl! Looking forward to the TT bike shoot, being a time trial racer.

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