Static Timelapse

Setting up a timelapse doesn’t have to be complicated, static time lapses can be just as effective and are very easy to achieve with just a few pieces of kit. In this chapter Karl shows you how you can get professional results from a static timeline with just a DSLR, Tripod and a Cable release and of course a stunning subject – in this case the LA skyline.


    1. Hi, yes this is always tricky on a long time-lapse as the light can change so manual mode doesn’t always work. Personally I’d go with aperture priority so that you can maintain the same DOF throughout the shots and then the camera will adjust the shutter to suit. You can also dial in a bit of exposure compensation if needed.

  1. Hi Karl,
    This is a great set of tutorials, thank you for putting them all together.
    How many shots did it take to get a clip as long as the one you show on this lesson?


    1. Hi Kevin, there are 25 frames for every second of timelapse so using that information you can work out how many frames are in any timelapse. The trick is knowing how many to plan based on the time period you wish to cover and how much space to leave between each shot depending on the ‘activity’ level happening in the sequence. In our ‘Movie Making’ section in the ‘Advanced’ menu you will find more info on making timelapses.

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