Managing Digital Image Files

Handling and storing your images might not sound like the most exciting part of the photographic process, but it undoubtedly is one of the most important steps. What you do with your images after shooting will determine how efficient your workflow will be going forwards.

Proper file management is crucial for optimizing your workflow and this is what Karl explores in this photograph class.

He explains different storage options available and looks at the best ways to store your images, including structuring and sorting your files. He also touches on the all-important practice of how to back up your image files.

In this photography class we cover the following:

  • How to manage and store your digital files
  • External storage devices
  • Transferring your images to your computer
  • File structure example

For more on recommended retouching equipment, watch Chapter 1 of this course.

If you have any questions about this course please post in the comments section below ?


  1. Hi Karl, what are your thoughts on a client asking for the Raw files?
    I personally don’t see why they should have them, I feel like it is passing on a set of negatives, which in affect is my property and copyright.
    Thank you.

    1. Hi Debbie, yes I’d generally agree with that especially if it’s not an agency or a big client who has experience working with their own retouchers. Some companies I work with who do have their own inhouse retouching depts then yes no problem I’m happy to pass over the RAW files but not for everyone.

    1. Hi, I generally only save to Tiff if I know I have to use Helicon for focus stacking as it only accepts tiff. For everything else I export as 16bit PSDs and then work on those, even after Helicon has made be a new file I put it back to PSD, however most of the time my layered files end up so big that I have to convert to PSB (large doc format) part way through the retouch.

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