Learn Food Photography
If learning food photography has been on your list then you don't want to miss our NEW food photography online course.
We recently broadcast a LIVE food photography workshop with top food photographer Anna Pustynnikova. There's a full replay available to our VE members (Watch Food Photography Lighting workshop replay).
Anna and I have gone even further and produced this new, in-depth series of food photography education videos. Whether you're a professional photographer, an aspiring creative enthusiast or you simply want an insight into how other photographers achieve such beautiful food photography, then you're going to devour these new training videos.
For all members of my UNLIMITED Photography Education Plan, simply log-in here to enjoy these incredible photography technique modules. The first 4 hours of this in-depth guide to professional food photography is ready for you to devour! PLUS there's lots more training to come this month.
See exactly why I chose to work with Anna to bring you these food photography techniques...
How did we shoot a LIVE food photography workshop?
It isn't part of our new food photography course but as Anna was visiting, we decided to demonstrate her skills with a LIVE online photography workshop for our members.
Most photographers wouldn't consider shooting pro photography live to a LIVE internet audience. Anna, took on the challenge by styling and shooting a delicious food image – completely LIVE!
The preparation was meticulous and the final result was absolutely stunning (no post production). The workshop certainly demonstrated the depth of knowledge our subscribers can acquire in this new photography training. Check out the behind the scenes video here...
Here's a couple of TASTY snacks for you to enjoy right now!
Keen to improve your photography?
We'd love you in our fast growing community. Simply click here and dig into the first 4 hours of this new course (more videos to be added over the next few weeks). PLUS get your pass to our LIVE online workshops and everything else that's included in the UNLIMITED Photography Education Plan.
All the best,
Thanks for the great feedback.
“This is the best investment I have ever made. Without a doubt. Thanks for the special offer. This is more addictive than any TV programme.”JC Crafford, VE Member
“Now this is the great opportunity the future Pro photographers have been waiting for. Serious educational value for a very affordable amount of money. See you soon at the live show Karl!”Ruud, VE Member
“I only joined today and I’ve already had more value than my subscription. Brilliant format, Karl is one of the best on YouTube but this raises the bar by several levels.”M. Harris, VE Member
“I missed the live feed but watched it after....and I am absolutely amazed at how informative it was and how much I learned from you ...now going through all my pics and realizing... Wow ... you've taught sooo much in just a few days... I am sooo happy and sooo inspired to be better... Thank You !!!! I am so happy that I joined!” Bridget, VE Member
“If you are passing this deal up, shame on you! So much knowledge here. Thank you Karl for giving photographers what we need!!!”Anthony Black, VE Member
“Just to say I think these tutorials are brilliant. I have been on various workshops over the years and have mostly switched off after a few minutes of techi stuff! But for me this is at the right pace and it’s sinking in! Well don’t test me on it! So well done. I have most of your dvd’s which I purchased several years ago and they were brilliant, but now having access to them on your tutorial site is so valuable too”Sharon Harmeston, VE Member
“What a superb course, I have learnt more than I thought possible. Every single chapter was educational and had merit as a stand alone subject. Thank you very much for all the hard work you put into the videos and all the planning that must have taken place.” M. Harris