Karl's Career as a Photographer & Educator: Hasselblad Webinar

Karl has been a passionate photographer and photography educator for almost 30 years.

He started his commercial photography career assisting before opening his own studio in 1998. As his client list grew, Karl photographed a wide variety of commercial work, from architecture to drinks, portrait photography, hospitality, etc.

He has used Hasselblad cameras for much of his commercial work and is proud to have been a global ambassador for them for many years.

In a recent live webinar, Karl chatted to Hasselblad about his life, his work as a commercial photographer and educator, and also how his knowledge and that of other top professionals is presented here on Visual Education.

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  1. I am very happy with my X1D II and my 45P Lens, I understand the frustration with people that bought early and did not get the Version 2 that paid more money, Hasselblad seems like a company that does sell used equipment and that may do a buy back in trade. I am actually Leasing my Camera, I am learning the True Exposure Shutter versus Electronic Shutter exposure, this feature allow you to use many other lens with an adapter making this camera not exclusive to Sensor and Lens use, The GFX as well as other Brands use the same sensor 50MP. There are you tube videos discussing the comparison and advantages of the 50MP and 100MP versus the older standard 4X6 format Film cameras. Just a point of view, I feel I can achieve any Commercially viable professional image Karl can, using the same creative challenge thrown to me, My experience is limited and my knowledge of available lighting equipment is limited, but my skills are challenged in Phocus, Photoshop, Lightroom. Creating Gradients and soft boxes from scratch. I have a long way to go. Cutting Glass to create props, who thought I would ever learn that…

  2. Vorige mail kwam gemankeerd op de site,daarom opnieuw!Heb ik voor meer dan 25000 euro in hasselblad geinvesteerd.Kom ik er achter dat de Images van mr Karl meestal zijn geschoten met h6d100 en hc 100dot. en daar kritiseer ik mr Karl op.Krijg ik het gerafineerde antwoord dat hij de foto’s ook met een nikon 850 of sony 7r2 had kunnen maken? Tijd voor een andere Hasselblad voorman misschien. Maar je gebruikt wel meestal de hasselblad h6d100(400). Dat vind ik mensen op het verkeerde been zetten. Fotograferen is een illusie veinzen komt hier wel heel erg op z’n plaats.

  3. GM,at first I would say insult your own friends but not me,Iooks like I am pointing on a soft spot of !You asking questions on me and give answer yourself.nice show.I like your work and creativety.Were I was pointing on is that you make great images with your Hasselblad h6d100(400), sharp as a knife ,but we simple guys can not avoid that h6d100 and never make that shot. I feel put on a wrong leg and bought that camera’s by showing that you can make with a every Hasselblad pictures made with a 100(400) mp camera.regards.

    1. Hi theova, Please let’s be clear. Are you saying that you can’t make good photos because you brought a camera that you don’t like? Please clarify.

      1. Punt is dat de consument (Ik ook) op de verkeerde been wordt gezet en de hasselblad x1dII met dure lenzen koopt en denkt dat hij foto’s kan maken net als Mr Karl en daar zit het addertje van de verkoper van Hasselblad. Mijn doel is om fototechnisch met de topkwaliteit Images te maken. De Images van mr Karl zijn meestal gemaakt met een hasselblad h6d100(400) die een ultime scherpheid contrast etc etc geven.Die kan ik niet met mijn x1dII kan maken .Ik nam op de koop toe dat de camera wat langzamer is , autofucus niet optimaal, maar wilde de ultime mr Karl motorbike shot or model shoot maken.De Images zijn wel bovengemiddeld,maar niet die Hasselblad h6d100 maakt,die zijn een stappie hoger!.Dat is mijn punt.Ik ben de hasselblad weg ingeslagen en blijf daar in doorgaan,maar ik konstateerde de tekortkoming naar mr karl’s h6s100 images.En als ik dan een mailtje krijg van de master Mr karl, je had hem ook kunnen schieten met een nikon 850 of een sony7r2 voel ik toch dat er op een geraffineerde manier wordt verteld door mr Karl dat ik met mijn dure investeringen in hasselblad ( 25000euro) maar een goedkoop kameraatje moet kopen want mr Karl impliceerd dat en maakt toch maar zijn Images met de h6d100 om zeker te zijn van een ultieme plaat.

        1. Good sir you are implying (in Dutch) that his images are only good because of his camera. You also say that you cannot take good pictures with the Hasselblad XIID and that you must buy the H6D100 to capture good images like Karl. I would bet every penny that I have you would not be able to take a picture like Karl with the H6D100. The H6D100 is practically a manual camera, focus must be precise. I mean it is a real struggle to use an H6D and you really need to know exactly what you are after to achieve it. The H6D does nothing for you, it is an engineering master piece that in the right hands of a skilled professional takes amazing pictures.

          I used my friend’s H6D with a 50 back, it is no where near as easy to use as a Sony, Nikon, Fuji or Cannon offerings. As for the XIID, it is a beautiful camera that captures amazing images. In some ways I like the XIID better than the H6D because it is way easier to use and the files are much smaller. The colors and tonality are fantastic. Have you seen the work of Maria Svarbova or Isabella Tabacchi? They use the X system and my goodness their work is incredible!

          I mean no disrespect, I suspect you are at a point all of us have been. You are trying to be like Karl or better than you are capable of too quickly. This takes years to achieve and lots of hard work. I found myself frustrated and hit a plateau. This is because we mistakenly focus on the success and not the art, we have to enjoy the journey and respect the struggles. Don’t knock Karl, to suggest he is only as good as his camera is very insulting and just comes off as bitter.

          Hasselblad is a great company that is actually pretty small compared to some of the others. As a business sure they focus on the strengths of their platforms but they have never misled anyone to what and who their cameras are for. The X system has slowly been incorporating more prosumer or consumer features to make it a better system for people coming from Nikon, Cannon, or Sony. I am going to continue to work on my craft and keep my Sony for easy picture taking but I am a day one purchase if/when the XIIID comes out. I bet the XIIID is going to be amazing because companies try to make better products and offer at cheaper prices to sell more volume to create legions of loyal customers.


  4. Hai,like yr educations .Made me a lot wiser with hasselblad and broncolor. But with the intervieuw with hasselblad headquaters you show work and explanation with the H6D100 camera and the HC 100 lens .For us , the people with the x1d50 and with adapters HX ,we never can produce what you show.It would more interesting that you put a light on that when talking with the hotshot in Sweden,right.Point is,you can’t go wrong with that great h6d100(400).You make great outstanding images with it but we are made blind with this, , we with our expensive x1d50 lost money because of the upgrade to the x1dII .Found out that with the hx adapter you never can produce x1d50 lenses Images and with the X1d 50II with,let say 90mm lens we never can make a Image you,mr Karl can produce.

    1. If what you were saying were true then you would be able to easily tell me which images on my website are taken with one light or five. You’d also be able to tell me which shots on my site were taken with Canon, Hasselblad, Sony or Sinar and you’d also be able to tell me which shots were taken with broncolor, elinchrom, profoto or just speedlites for lighting. But you can’t, what you are doing unfortunately is claiming that the results are mostly to do with equipment and not knowledge or creativity, which is a shame because you can never progress as a photographer with that attitude.

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